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UN Human Rights Day Witnessed a Lehigh University Participant

UN Human Rights Day Witnessed a Lehigh University Participant

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: A student from Lehigh University was in front of a large international audience through a UN platform.
Rhema Hooper is taking part in the academic conference on UN Human Rights Day. She is a sophomore at Lehigh University.
The UN headquarters in New York City is the venue for this conference, which got underway on Monday afternoon.
Hooper will discuss the risks associated with child labor in the context of mining for cobalt and other raw materials that are used to produce laptops, smartphones, and other electronics.

Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10 December every year. This year, the day will mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme this year is FREEDOM, EQUALITY and JUSTICE for all.

UDHR was proclaimed by the UNGA on 10 December 1948 in Paris. Recently, Stony Brook University Hospital was recognized at the 2023 UN Climate Conference for Commitment to Decarbonize Health Care Sector.

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