These Are The Most Mispronounced Places in Texas; Check If You Pronounce Them Right
Texas is probably the most free-spirited state in the country. This free spirit can be seen in the fact that the state is filled with many places that are difficult for many to pronounce. This is the result of the ins and outs of the people from various cultural backgrounds who settled in the state.
They gave their places their name but when they left the place the name was fixed and was kinda difficult for the newcomers. Here is a list of the places in Texas that are difficult to pronounce. Give it a try and clap for yourself if you pronounce them right. But, if you are incorrect, smile and correct yourself.
The spelling of a Hispanic last name is correct, however, the pronunciation is different. Pronounce it “MAN-SHACK!” I know, it’s a bit weird but it is kinda fun also.
The location where there is no McDonald’s but a McDonald’s sign. Just in case you are new to Texas. Pronounce it as CU-WHERE-OH! Not anything else.
Home of the Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks and referenced to by Josh Abbott in ‘She’s Like Texas,’ the correct way to say it is NACK-AH-DOE-CHESS.
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WEE-SATCH is the proper way to say this one. I’ve always pronounced it with a Spanish accent, WE-SA-CHE. This place often gets missed in many tongue-twister lists of places.
It’s likely that if you’re local, you’ve heard Refugio pronounced with two R’s. The town name does not have a second R. The pronunciation should be REF-FEW-GEE-O. In Spanish, it sounds flawless, and in English, comical.
I have been saying this right because I do have a Mexican accent when I talk. Like the color yellow in Spanish ‘AM-MU-REE-OH and not AMA-RILLO. “am-uh-ree-oh,”
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Agua Dulce
“Sweet Water” is the translation into English. Instead of saying AH-GWUH DULL SAY, the proper way to say it is AH-WUH-DEWL-SIH. This place definitely has sweet water.
New Braunfels
This one looks easy, but it is not. Is it NEW-BRAWN-FULLS or NEW BRANS-FULLS? It is NEW BRAWN-FULLS, with NO S in the midst.
This has been a contentious issue. DUH DUH OR DUH BYOU? The right response is BYOO-DUH. I know you got it wrong.
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These places are definitely a tongue-twister. Some look easy to read but when you read them aloud your mind and tongue get confused. So say these places aloud and see if you pronounce them right or you can also check who pronounces them right.