Single-car Crash in Federal Heights Sparks Concerns Over Reckless Driving; Car Split in Two after Horrific Crash

Residents in a Federal Heights neighborhood are seeking assistance following a tragic crash that occurred over the weekend. A single-car accident resulted in the vehicle being split in two.
Motorists are expressing their concerns about the escalating incidents of reckless racing on a particular road and are urging for immediate action to address the issue. Residents of West 92nd Avenue and North Tejon Street have expressed concerns about the increasing incidents of speeding and crashes in the area. Most of the area consists of residential properties, with 92nd Avenue serving as a convenient cross street linking North Pecos Boulevard and Federal Boulevard.
The Federal Heights police reported a recent crash on Saturday that involved a car traveling at a high speed. According to investigators, the driver unfortunately lost control of the vehicle, resulting in collisions with two utility poles and a fence.
“I was in my living room when I heard a crash. I went to investigate since accidents frequently occur in this area,” shared Kaedra Vandemark.
Vandemark resides across the street from the location of the accident.
“When we searched for it, we were met with utter destruction,” Vandemark remarked.
Many drivers who frequently use 92nd Avenue have expressed concern over the frequency of serious crashes caused by excessive speed. The speed limit is set at 35 mph.
I frequently travel along that street. Driver Georgina Brown expressed concern about the high number of speeders and near accidents she has observed.
Problem Solvers reach out to local law enforcement and the mayor in search of effective solutions
The Problem Solvers reached out to both the city’s chief of police and the mayor’s office regarding the citizen’s concerns.
The city of Federal Heights is currently installing fixed cameras in areas with a high number of injury accidents and traffic safety concerns. According to Federal Heights Police Chief Robert Grado, this area of 92nd will receive special attention as these systems are implemented.
The mayor also responded, stating that efforts to reduce traffic speed have been underway for a while.
At its annual retreat, the (Federal Heights) city council addressed concerns regarding the prevalence of speeding and running red lights in the city. The staff has been actively researching different possibilities for several months. Verra Mobility recently gave a presentation to the city council during a meeting on July 2. As a result, the staff is now in the process of finalizing plans to install speed and red light cameras in the city,” stated Federal Heights Mayor Linda S. Montoya.