Repeated Shoplifting Offenders Would Be Sent To Prison As Per New Bill in California
Sacramento, CA: A new bill is making headlines in California. The bill would require shoplifters to serve a prison term if they were found guilty of multiple similar offenses. The new bill is AB 1772.
Some California lawmakers, law enforcement officials, and store lobbyists are advocating for mandatory jail time for repeat shoplifters.
At a press conference Monday, politicians from across the state expressed support for AB 1772, which would impose jail time if convicted of a third theft offense. The penalty would range from one to three years, depending on the circumstances of the crime.
The bill seeks to amend Proposition 47, a 2014 voter-approved policy that classified thefts under $950 as misdemeanors.
Currently, the punishment for thefts under $950 can be up to six months in county jail. The policy does not apply to all retail crimes. Robberies, for example, are violent crimes that do not fall under Prop 47.
The bill does not change the $950 shoplifting cap and solely pertains to thefts below that amount. Any theft over $950 is already considered a felony.
“This is a common sense nonpartisan bill that would implement a measure of consequence for repeat shoplifters,” San Bernardino Police Chief Darren Goodman stated during the press conference.
At Monday’s press conference, San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon D. Dicus stated, “You can’t walk down the street in California without realizing that things are getting worse as a result of Prop 47.”
If AB 1772 passes the state legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk, it will eventually go to the people for approval.
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