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License Renewal for Seniors in Ohio: Key Steps and Tips

License Renewal for Seniors in Ohio: Key Steps and Tips

Most of the numerous regulations and laws enforced by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles apply equally to drivers of all ages and stages and the state claims it imposes no special rules on drivers based on age alone, which might be viewed as discriminatory.

However, some of the controls over the practice of law that have been described here-requirements for reporting a potentially dangerous driver and for obtaining disability parking plates and placards-are particularly pertinent to older drivers.

Reproduction License Renewal Provisions for Ohio Drivers

Ohio does not require renewal based on age.

Time restrictions: Drivers 21 years of age and older must apply in person every four years.

Vision test: Is required at in-person renewal. BMV personnel will administer a free test with and without corrective lenses.

Written test: Generally not required at in-person renewal.

Road test: Generally not required at in-person renewal.

How to Apply for an Ohio Unsafe Driver Investigation

The Ohio BMV will accept information from a law enforcement agency, court, physician, hospital, or rehabilitation facility that a licensed driver should submit a medical statement or take a driver license examination if there is “good cause to believe” that the driver is incompetent or incapable of driving safely. If a law enforcement agency or a court demands such, then there must be some personal observation of the subject’s driving or personal contact with the driver.

The BMV will also act on a written and signed request submitted by a relative, friend or a neighbor of the driver, but only after there is a reasonable cause to mandate a medical statement or driver license examination.

Only physician requests will be held in confidence to the driver.

Mail a written request to have a driver recertified for the privilege of driving:

Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Attention: Driver License Special Case Section/Medical Unit
P.O. Box 16784
Columbus, Ohio 43216

Or fax it to 614-752-7271, Attention: Medical Unit.

The letter must include a release allowing the BMV to identify the writer as the source of information.

How to Obtain a Medical Restriction in Ohio

If a medical or vision condition may affect driving, an applicant may be required to have a two-part driver license, consisting of a driver’s license and a medical restriction card. The driver will receive from the BMV an Exam Station Request for Statement of Physician 45-60 days before the driver’s requirement is due. The driver must have a doctor complete and sign the form and then return it to the BMV.

How to Get a License Reinstated

For information about how to reinstate an Ohio license that has been suspended or revoked, call the BMV’s main office at 614-752-7500. If suspended for medical reasons, the suspension remains in effect pending receipt of an acceptable Request for Statement of Physician or passage of necessary tests.

How to Get Parking Placards or License Plates for a Disabled Driver

Parking placards and license plates for the disabled may be issued to drivers with a physical disability, if a licensed medical practitioner certifies the condition.

The placards and plates are available for those who:

  • cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
  • cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or other assistive device
  • are so incapacitated by lung disease as to be unable to leave without endangering their health
  • use portable oxygen
  • have a severe heart condition, or
  • are significantly handicapped in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition.

To obtain a disability placard:

  • Complete and sign an Application for Disability Placard
  • Secure a licensed physician, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or chiropractor to complete a Certification for Prescription on the application
  • Include a fee of $5.00 for 10 years or $15 for a permanent placard.
  • Mail or bring in the new application to the address on the form.

To receive a disability plate:

  • Get a copy of the following form, Health Care Provider Certification of Eligibility for Disability License Plates.
  • One of the following must complete it: Physician, Physician Assistant, Advanced Practice Nurse and Chiropractor.
  • Call the Deputy Registrar office in your county at 614-752-7800 for information on how to obtain plates.


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