Jealous Girlfriend Accused of Fatally Beating Boyfriend’s Young Son

Miamistandard– A lady in Michigan, who is 46 years old, will spend the rest of her life in prison for killing her boyfriend’s 6-year-old kid. She beat the youngster to death because she was jealous of the attention his father gave him.
Authorities reported that Macomb County Circuit Judge Diane Druzinski sentenced Hilary Ulp to life in a state correctional facility without the chance of parole for the brutal murder of baby Nicolas Kuras. Druzinski handed down the obligatory life sentence after a jury last month convicted Ulp guilty of one count of first-degree felony murder in the small boy’s death following a six-week trial.
County Prosecutor Peter Lucido stated in a statement after the sentence hearing, “This case is a heartbreaking reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of abuse.” “We send our condolences to the family of the victim, who have suffered through immeasurable agony and loss throughout the years. We hope that this punishment provides some sense of justice and healing to those who loved Nicolas.
Ulp was already in prison for the injuries she had caused that eventually resulted in the deaths of the boy years later when she was given her life sentence. Nicolas was hospitalized on May 15, 2015, with serious injuries, including blunt force damage to the head, a broken collar bone, and many broken ribs, according to a news release from the county prosecutor’s office. At that time, he was 14 months old.
An inquiry found that he had been severely physically abused by Ulp, who was babysitting him when he was hurt. In 2016, she was arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty of first-degree child abuse. Afterward, a judge ordered Ulp to spend between 11 and 30 years in the Michigan Department of Corrections.
According to a report from Detroit CBS affiliate WWJ, authorities stated that they felt Ulp was motivated to injure Nicolas because she was jealous of the toddler. This remark was made based on comments made by Nicolas’ father during interviews with police.
According to Macomb Daily, Ulp was babysitting, as she did on a daily basis, while the father was out playing cards, and he informed the police this. The following morning, he woke up to the sound of the boy wailing without stopping and instructed Ulp to contact 911.
According to reports, Ulp informed the police that Nicolas might have hurt himself by slipping off the bed the previous night and hitting his head on the door frame. She further said that “she possibly hugged [Nicolas] too strong,” and added, “It may have caused injuries.”
Nicolas was never able to take care of himself again after the incident. He died from his injuries on January 7, 2021. At the time of his death, he was nearly 7 years old.
After that, the prosecutors charged Ulp, who was already in prison, with criminal murder.