Female Cop held in Headlock during Traffic Stop in California and Partner Cop shot the Man: Body Cam video shows

Fontana, CA: During a routine traffic stop in Yucaipa, two Fontana police officers approached a black sport utility vehicle. One of the officers inquired about the absence of a front license plate.
They discussed camping in the snow, with the vehicle equipped with overland camping gear. The officer found it amusing when the man mentioned his past arrest for possessing illegal fireworks.
The officer requested that the driver, identified as Alan Metka, 56, exit his vehicle. A female officer would conduct a thorough search to ensure he was not carrying any weapons.
The female officer conducted a search on him, commenting on their noticeable height difference, while the male officer went back to his police vehicle to check Metka’s information.
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Body-worn camera footage of the Feb. 9 encounter was recently released by the Fontana Police Department.
Soon after, a shout rang out: “He’s got a gun!”
“Let her go! Let her go!” the male officer yelled as he ran toward his partner, who was being held in a headlock.
In a recorded statement released with the video footage, Fontana Police Chief Michael Dorsey revealed that during the incident at Yucaipa Boulevard and 14th Street, the male officer shot Metka, hitting him near the jaw. Metka said that a loaded semiautomatic pistol was found in his pants pocket.
In the video footage, the male officer informs Metka that his front licence plate is missing, a claim that Metka denies. Additionally, the officer points out that Metka’s window tint seems to be too dark.
When questioned by the officer, Metka admitted to being arrested around two years ago for an incident involving “explosives in public.”
Metka mentioned that he was arrested for possessing fireworks and served a sentence of 11 months.
The officer inquired about the presence of any weapons. He denied the presence.
As the female officer patted him down, she asked: “What’s this right here?”
“My gun,” he said.
Later, the video captures the moment when he forcefully restrained her.
The sound of the male officer’s gunshot is not audible in the video. However, in the footage captured by the female officer’s camera, the individual can be heard expressing discomfort and there is visible evidence of blood on the road.
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Dorsey stated that his officers were gang investigators who were in Yucaipa to support the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, which is responsible for law enforcement in the city.
Metka is currently being held at the West Valley Detention Centre in Rancho Cucamonga. The charges against Metka include assault with a deadly weapon upon a police officer, resisting an executive officer, and being a felon in possession of a firearm, as stated in San Bernardino County jail records.
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Office are currently investigating the incident, according to Dorsey. The Fontana Police Department stated that they are conducting an administrative investigation alongside the ongoing investigation by other agencies, and they are fully cooperating with them.
Dorsey mentioned that Metka has a long record of criminal activity, including previous arrests for assault with a deadly weapon, carjacking, robbery, possession of an explosive device, and illegal firearms possession.
In 2021, Metka was apprehended at a petrol station in Fontana. The Rialto Police Department claims that he was discovered in possession of multiple illegal firearms and pipe bombs.