Cute, Fluffy and Famous Brodie Joins Miami Police Department

The internet sensation Brodie has joined the Miami police department’s K-9 unit.
The cute and fabulous dog received a new uniform and a guard of honor at an event on Thursday when his fellow K-9 officers were present to witness his official police agency debut.
The famous dog will lead the department’s Operation Save Christmas this Saturday and accompany police officers in delivering toys to over 400 kids in the city.
The dog won’t be handling crime but will help the police with tasks dealing with the children.
Three-year-old Brodie, an 80-pound Goldendoodle, has made his owner, 33-year-old Cliff Brush, a whopping $1 million in branding deals just this past year. He is a resident of Fort Lauderdale.
Brush posted his first dog video to TikTok in 2020 under the username Brodiethatdood. The videos took the internet by storm, and Brodie became well-known. In a few weeks, he attracted 35,000 fans. Over 6.6 million people follow the account now.
Actors Ryan Reynolds and Jennifer Aniston are among Brodie’s online followers. Brodie was escorted by police to his swearing-in event.
He is the newest four-legged member of the Miami Beach Police Department, and he is adorable, cuddly, and well-known. Photographs show the happy canine leaning out of the police cruiser window to take it all in.