Crime News Drug Bust Local News

California Dark Web Drug Trafficking Member Ends in Prison; Made Pure Meth for Distribution along with Several Narcotics

California Dark Web Drug Trafficking Member Ends in Prison; Made Pure Meth for Distribution along with Several Narcotics

A resident of Orange County, California, Tenzin Orgil, 24, has been sentenced to 168 months in federal prison for his involvement in a drug trafficking operation. This operation included the sale of methamphetamine and fentanyl on the dark web, as well as the production of ecstasy (also known as MDMA) and methamphetamine in secret labs.

Orgil admitted guilt in July 2023 and received a sentence from U.S. District Judge Kathleen M. Williams in the Southern District of Florida.

The Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Drug Threat Assessment has identified synthetic drugs as the cause of the most perilous and lethal drug crisis in the history of the United States. Almost all of the fatal drug poisonings in our nation can be attributed to synthetic drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine.

Tragically, a staggering number of Americans lost their lives in the first six months of 2023 due to the devastating effects of Fentanyl. Caution: A single fentanyl pill has the potential to be fatal. A dose of two milligrams of fentanyl is extremely dangerous and can be fatal. Recent laboratory tests conducted by the DEA have revealed that the majority of pills seized contain a lethal amount of fentanyl.

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From at least 2020 until his arrest, Orgil operated under several dark web vendor names, including iEUROPA, iUSA, iAMERICA, UNITEDAIRLINES, and SVR667. He used these aliases to distribute significant quantities of narcotics through various dark web marketplaces and the encrypted chat platform, Wickr.

Orgil operated out of California and distributed a range of illicit substances, including cocaine, MDMA, heroin, fentanyl, and methamphetamine, using the U.S. mail system to reach customers across the United States, including South Florida. Law enforcement officers in South Florida made significant seizures between 2020 and 2021.

They obtained 2.54 grams of fentanyl disguised as counterfeit oxycodone pills through undercover purchases from Orgil via the dark web or Wickr. Additionally, they confiscated 4.965 kilograms of 100% pure methamphetamine. Orgil was involved in the production of MDMA and methamphetamine on a large scale. He ran multiple secret labs in California.

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In California on Dec. 23, 2022, officers from the Irvine Police Department pulled over Orgil while he was behind the wheel of a vehicle. During a search of his vehicle, Orgil was found with a number of precursor chemicals and two cellphones.

During the search of these phones, incriminating photos of narcotics were discovered, along with evidence linking Orgil to his dark web vendor alias “iBULK” and his activity on darknet marketplaces. During the search, various photos of hidden laboratories and screenshots of text messages detailing the process of producing illegal drugs were discovered.

Orgil’s phone records indicate that he had been in contact with multiple Chinese chemical manufacturing companies to acquire precursor chemicals.

Orgil was apprehended by law enforcement agents, who then carried out a search warrant at his residence in California. During the search of his residence, authorities discovered a firearm with a loaded magazine, multiple counterfeit identification cards, instructions for producing methamphetamine, and a computer.

Upon searching his computer, authorities discovered a collection of photographs depicting fake blue M30/oxycodone pills labeled with Dark Market/United Airlines, bags of methamphetamine labeled iUSA, and cocaine labeled SVR667. In addition, Orgil’s computer stored copies of the mailing labels for the packages sent in the undercover purchases.

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